chuvee's Blog



Hello people!
Do you like to take exercises? I really do
Those who want to see their bodies in a good shape visit gym every day. But there are many common possibilities to do sport in conditions we live.
Imagine just a park near the house or the long lanes down the streets with infrequent cars that drive by. Jogging is rather better to do in the street than on the treadmill. When you are running along the lane, you see the view and breathe the fresh air.
If work is connected to day-to-day sittin…
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When I woke up several days ago and looked at the thermometer, I freezed. It showed -27 degrees Celsius. Actually such temperature is rare in our region where all winters usually aren't colder than -5. And it was better to stay at home than to go for a walk but I went out regardless of the frost.
It's really bad sensation to rub the nose due to the frost that bites it continually like piercing needles. So I had to come to the shops in order to warm my nose and limbs.
Though, such a cold weather …
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Congrats on the New Year!

Hello, people! I decided to write several wishes for the New Year. They are all for Dukascopy community and for my relatives and friends too.
May the New Year bring to you warmth of love and a guiding light on your path towards a positive destination.
No matter if every sunset steels one day from our life, but every sunrise gives us one another day to hope! I wish new hopes will always be a part of our lifes.
Many people await New Year’s celebration to make a new start to their old habits. I wis…
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New interesting project.

Hello people. Are you intrigued? Here I want to tell you about new project that recently noticed my attention. You know that people over the world are concerned about music, movies, books etc. which are free to download. Torrent nets do huge harm to rightholders and no one can cope with it. Though some very smart people from the UK have invented the idea of distributed net of publishers who would sell their content to people for cryptocurrency. So it's some kind of decentralized library.
For thi…
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Hello, people. For some time past computers have subjugated the world. I remember the time when the computers were rare and few people really own them. Once I was invited by a mutual friend to see a computer and to play in it. This was IBM 286 and I didn't play but just sat and watched how my friends were playing. Star Control was the game they played and I liked it. I remember various computer ads filled newspapers and magazines and how attentively I looked over them to choose the most high-pow…
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Hello! Several days ago I visited one of Moscow's coworkings. I heard of them from one acquaintance who told me I should have tried it as he had known of my Forex interest. The coworking is really a useful place for self-employed men because a house sometimes is not suitable for working process. In the free working zone you can find people who can be engaged the same way as you. There is working athmosphere that encourages you to work more effectively.
It's a community of different freelancers a…
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A complicated world.

Hey people. Did you notice how complicated our world had become? All these rates, applications, bills, rules etc. that fill our life. And the Forex trading is interesting but no less difficult among other things. I imagine what bulk of information every brain contains due to this complexity.
While you are thinking and talking about one thing you are prompted to do another and so on. So that you head becomes like a bubble and you don't know sometimes if all the information you got is useful. I wa…
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Big cities.

To be honest, I don't like the big cities. Though I live in such city - Moscow. When I find myself in the center of it on weekdays it is always crowded. And when you are going in the streets or in the metro, you have to evade other people who are hurrying for their own businesses. Other people look at hurrying ones from their sits in varios cafes and from the windows. There are many large business centers that have been built since earlier nineties. It seems to me that all big cities have their …
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What I like to read.

When I'm travelling somewhere by train or bus I see how many people read. They read books, newpapers or just bury themselves in cell-phones and pads. I love reading too. There was the time I spent reading whole days various books from the library of adventures. Many know this serie of books with works of Stivenson, Alexandre Dumas, Arthur Conan Doyle, Mark Twain, Jules Verne, Daniel Defoe and others. Several years ago I came across a book of Theodore Dreiser and reminded as I read his "Sister Ca…
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The weather in Moscow.

The winter came suddenly to the region where I dwell - Moscow. Last year frost and snow take place in the beginning of December but now we have all of winter features in the middle of November. It's quite beautiful picture of shining snow that is soft and crunchy. The snow glitters the most strikingly in a sunny day, however they are rare. Most likely we'll meet New Year in subzero temperature rapping ourselves in sweaters.
I go for a walk in the fresh air every day just to think. Once I remembe…
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Elens94 avatar
Elens94 13 Nov.

у нас снег с октября Т_Т и вся зима будет еще до апреля,  если не до мая,эх)) хочу погоду, как в Тайланде

chuvee avatar
chuvee 13 Nov.


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