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Avnish26 wrote a comment in the Technical Analysis Contest

Mexican economy has slowed down considerably in year 2017 from the GDP growth rate of 3.2 % in the first quarter to only 1.5 % seen in the third quarter of 2017. However the Inflation rate has picked ...
1 Sty

Avnish26 wrote a comment in the Technical Analysis Contest

In contrast to the broader Euro zone area the inflation rate has been falling in the Norway for most part of year 2017 thus putting downward pressure on Norwegian Krone (NOK). If we look at economy...
1 Sty

Avnish26 registered for Social Trading

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Avnish26 registered for FX Article Contest

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Avnish26 wrote a comment in the Extreme Contest

Great adventure

AngleRMS posted in the Extreme Contest

Hi Friends,
I was planning to participate in extreme contest from the past 3 months and finally did it which makes me so happy .This is my first extreme video so it’s worth watching it so please give it thumbs up.

I am Manjushree K R (AngelRMS) borne in orthodox family of India. My parents are very reserved and they will not send me alone anywhere isn’t mean that they don't believe me but my dad will always give one example if I ask to go out with friends or alone.
"While driving if your good at driving isn't enough same time the one who come opposite also should be good" so we will also come with you wherever you want go and they are not ready to take risk in my matters so till now they didn't gave me a chance to participate in any kind of extreme sports.

When I was in college used to watch one Hindi serial called "The Everest". It’s about one girl (Anjali Singh Rawat name of the lead character of the serial) who is desperate to join the mountaineering institute to learn climbing and to achieve her dad dream of climbing the Everest. That serial inspired me a lot and started dreaming about rock and ice climbing in college days itself but my dream didn't come true till 9th Dec 2017.

Actually who I am?
I love adventurous life and always ready to take high risk and twice climbed Mullayanagiri peak; it is the highest peak in Karnataka. I never did rock climbing in my entire life finally on 9th of Dec 2017 in Sri Adichunchanagiri Mahasamsthana math is situated on a rocky hill at an altitude of about 3300 ft above M.s.I. 110 km west of Bangalore which is silicon city of India.

I have climbed to the top of the hill in bare foot and there are two poles on the hills, one is called Cholakamba and another one is called Galagamba. To reach the top of Cholakamba is very difficult but I have achieved it and same thing you can see in my video and Galagamba pole can be

22 Gru