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My Dream - Dream Contest

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geula4x avatar
geula4x 30 Dec.

+1 Liked: WOW such a shocking story! I feel the pain in your words! I am very sorry for your sister and mother. I hope your mother gets better.
If I may say, every person in this world is special. God blessed each and every one of us with an enormous gift, called "Life". We can fill our lives with real meaning by being kind and help others.
You seem to be a very intelligent young man. You worked hard to learn English and computers. I think that your family is probably very proud in your achievements. Please don't give up on Life!! I am sure you can live a happy, meaningful life!! :-)

sonjatrader avatar

Fight to move forward always. God bless you

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Like my Post In Love Contest! Posted on 12th Oct

Sleepless nights and you question about my sorrow,
Ask something that I might buy from tomorrow,
Oh! How I wish there was someone to call of my own,
But guess, what fate has it for me, is an eternal lone,
By DeathLord...

My Love Post
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