The British government announced Friday that the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union will take place in March 2019, with no room for regrets. British Prime Minister Theresa May says she will not tolerate any attempt to block this decision and that she already has the date and time set "black and white."

The referendum of June 2016 came to express at the polls the will of the British to leave the European Union, which was to be formalized on 29 March this year, with the activation of Article 50 of the European Treaty. The date for the conclusion of the marathon of negotiations with the European bloc was then known. With a duration of two years, the United Kingdom would leave the bloc on 29 March 2019.

However, it was not yet known when this would take place, which was dismaying the British given the lack of rigor surrounding the process. Now one thing is certain: from 23:01 on 29 March 2019 the British will no longer be citizens of the European Union.
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