Greek referendum has already begun and this is truly an historic vote as never before any country in EU has been so close to set the stage for an exit out of the European monetary union. The consequence of such an disruptive event can have violent dislocations in the currencies market and I hope by now you have an idea on how I'm going to play the Grexit scenario. You know the tension has hit a new milestone when the holiness of God is invoked as per recent comments from Greek FM Yanis Varoufakis: "This is about a holy moment." The vote can still go either way as the recent polls are indecisive and shows the vote is divided by generation the same as it was in Scotland (youth vs elderly)

In his rhetoric Yanis Varoufakis has also accused Greek creditors of terrorism: “What Brussels and the troika want today is for the yes [vote] to win so they could humiliate the Greeks. Why did they force us to close the banks? To instil fear in people. And spreading fear is called terrorism.”

Here I couldn't agree more with him even thought many will jump and criticizing him I think that in today's society when government use the pretext of "terrorism" to justify their agenda and tear apart all of our rights and freedoms. And Troika forcing to close the Greek Banks is exactly terrorism and an attempt to blackmail the honest Greek people to vote "YES" in an attempt to preserve their pensions, as the fear of not getting paid is greater than any common sense.

We know why Germany will never accept a debt haircut (see Figure above) when you're the main creditor to Greece you're the one to lose the most in that scenario and us such the future doesn't look that bright for Greece as if they continue to stay in EU the debt burden can be hard to sustain and if they leave the euro there may be a chance for a new fresh start.

Latest comments from European Parliament President Martin Schulz: " Greece has to introduce new currency if "NO" vote wins" ---> LET THE SHOW BEGIN

Best Regards,
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