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UK faces biggest storm in years

Of course, it's all relative given what goes on around the rest of the world but the UK is tonight expecting the some of the worst weather since the devastating storms of 1987.
It’s all expected to kick off around midnight and last through the morning, and as I type this in the wilds of the Kent countryside the winds are already definitely picking up.
Reports are that no commuter trains will run until after 08.00 tomorrow while rail companies check that the lines are safe. This will definitely a…
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Will Yuan replace US Dollar?

There is a unique symmetry between the United States Federal Reserve and the People’s Bank of China in that each has well over $3 trillion in assets on its balance sheet. But the similarities end at that point. The Federal Reserve acquired about $3 trillion in assets by expanding its balance sheet with the goal to recapitalize the global financial system. In contrast, the trillions in assets held by the People’s Bank of China are from export earnings and trade surpluses registering in the tens…
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