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Ещё один день

Всем привет! Завершил сегодняшний день гимнастикой для глаз. К сожалению, не получается делать её каждый день, но раз в два дня делаю стабильно. Шаги тоже сегодня прошёл и даже лопатой поработал, так как живу в частном секторе и нас замело. Думаю, во время прогулки по сугробам сжёг большее калорий, а потому даже скушал двойную порцию курицы на обед. Дочитываю очередную
книгу, но об этом уже завтра напишу: поделюсь впечатлениями и мыслями всем доброй ночи!…
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Наука на будущее

Всем привет! Сегодня решил таки выйти нампрогулку, но перед этим изучил информацию в интернет как правильно гулять во время гололёда. Во время гололёда старайтесь идти небыстро, руки в карманах не держать, а балансировать ими при движении. Если вы несёте сумку, лучше повесьте её на плечо. По возможности нужно выбирать наиболее безопасные участки дорожки и не забывать, что под снегом тоже может быть лёд. Ногу на землю необходимо ставить полностью на всю подошву и не напрягать при этом колени. В о…
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День 4 моего марафона

Всем привет, дорогие друзья!
Следовать лимиту калорий пока что дается с трудом, иногда (во время торговли американской сессии) на меня нападает ночной жор и я съедаю лишнего ((( Но! Зато зарядку делаю исправно, вошел в ритм, и на прогулку тоже хожу Хотел запостить фото с прогулок, но пока что все в окрестностях уныло и покрыто снегом((( Ждем весну, порадую прекрасную половину читающей аудитории весенними цветами в ленте.
Так вот, сегодня ко всем своим упражнениям решил подключить гимнастику дл…
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Day 21 - end of the beginning?

Final day status report:
Reaching this mile-stone now, I'm truly glad I went through this new routine and review for this 21 days.
Learn lots on how having quality meals and how making simple adjustments could make a good impact to my overall well-being and outlook to life.
As a whole, my mind is much re-charged and my body also felt healthier.
It motivates and opened my eyes to a much better lifestyle.
The benefits seen and felt makes it all worth while!
A journey well-spent!
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edlim avatar
edlim 4 Maio

Time for small meal (^ ^)y

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Day 20

Current (~5:50pm SGT) status for my day 20 of week 3:
  • #pullinstomach aka "stomach-vacuum" (yes, finally found the technique to do it)- done 30 reps.;
  • #morningexercises - done 30 sit-ups;
  • #eyesexcercises - done using video from day 11.
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Day 19

Current (~625pm SGT) status for my day 19 of week 3:
  • #pullinstomach - done 30 reps.;
  • #morningexercises - done 30 push-ups;
  • #eyesexcercises - done using video from day 11.
  • #may exercise more (below) later on, taking my big meal now after intermittent-fasting (details at day 18). Side-note: I did abs-exercises with this 2 equipment (above) during my walk yesterday.

  • #drinkwater (target 2 liters) - left 1 liter;
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Vicktoria avatar

well done!

edlim avatar
edlim 2 Maio

~940 pm SGT: No further abs workout for today, still pretty full even after finishing my after-dinner walk.

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Day 18

Since morning until 2 pm SGT, I've had 2 of apple and 2 of Chinese-pear fruit slices; then followed by a hard-boiled egg.
I may take a small meal/snacks (like nuts/fruit slices) later on to energize and push off my big meal until dinner time.
End of the day, I seek get a deficit on my intake of calories against my daily caloric need.
This method/experiment is part of my intermittent-fasting strategy to cut down my belly-fat.
Hopefully, it'll work to my favor more than otherwise.
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edlim avatar
edlim 1 Maio

Still at around 60 kg.

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edlim 1 Maio

#extra: My walk before my big meal.

Vicktoria avatar

almost finish line!

edlim avatar
edlim 2 Maio

Thanks for the encouragement, Vicktoria  !

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Day 17

Current status for my day 17 of week 2 and day 2 for adapting into intermittent-fasting:
Had egg and lettuce with 1000-island sauce sandwich at around 1030 am SGT
even though I'm not hungry; felt a little lethargic after that small meal.
Happy to note that doing exercises and listening to some music help perk my energy level back up later on.
  • #meditate - done with prayers
  • #pullinstomach - done 30 reps.;
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edlim avatar
edlim 30 Abr

Had 2 of apple and 2 of Chinese-pear fruit slices before dinner.
Took a walk after dinner to bring down my calories count for today.
Completed mission h2o!

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Day 16

As mentioned yesterday regarding my sudden interest on intermittent-fasting, today is my experiment on applying that which I've learnt from the youtube videos.
Current status for my day 16 of week 2:
  • #pullinstomach - done 30 reps.;
  • #morningexercises - did full-body workout (F.B.W)- 1 round at ~8 am and the next round at ~11 am;
Did 8-30 repetitions between each stations. Attempted 10 of the 11 fitness stations (without abs-benching) as I do not wish to have another almost-fainting scare epis…
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edlim avatar
edlim 29 Abr

1311 SGT: Not really hungry, but to be safe and slowly easing myself into the experiment I'm taking my brunch now (^^)

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edlim 29 Abr

My big meal for today after today's fasting. Took 1 banana & 2 table-spoon of nuts before this meal. Current water intake at 2.7 litres.

edlim avatar
edlim 29 Abr

1920 SGT: Finished my big meal. That should be it for today. Happy weekend, all!

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Day 15

Almost 9pm SGT here, been watching lots on youtube relating to intermittent-fasting and time just fly by so fast.
Increased my repetitions for some daily exercises as I'm seeing better muscle recovery to my current sport routine.
I know this tweak won't cause a drastic shift from skinny-to-buff physique within the 21 days;
but still it's another step closer to the lifestyle that aligns with my overall well-being.
As a whole, I'm pretty happy with my current progress.
Anyway, current status for m…
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