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Greek People Have Spoken

With a clear victory of the NO camp we're back on the negotiation table and this time around the pressure for reaching a deal is on the Brussels side after this morning announcement that Greek FM Yanis Varoufakis has step down in order to help the negotiation going further and after Brussels demands that they want him out this puts pressure on Brussels side as now Greece has some leverage to work with and any fail to reach an agreement will be blamed on Brussels.
Expect some volatility in the FX…
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Greece Referendum and The Holiness of God

Greek referendum has already begun and this is truly an historic vote as never before any country in EU has been so close to set the stage for an exit out of the European monetary union. The consequence of such an disruptive event can have violent dislocations in the currencies market and I hope by now you have an idea on how I'm going to play the Grexit scenario. You know the tension has hit a new milestone when the holiness of God is invoked as per recent comments from Greek FM Yanis Varoufaki…
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Greece Latest Headlines

The Greece saga continues and the negotiations between the two parties involved has once again hit a roadblock. I'm telling you this is a total mess and I think we're going to have a big surprise once the market opens Sunday evening. Judging by today's headlines it's obvious that they are moving backwards and as time goes by the changes of an agreement fall even further. I thought that at least over the weekend we can relax, but NO, this bureaucrats are in for pulling out a snow show.
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