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NZD/USD marked down after the RBNZ decision

RBNZ left the official cash rate unchanged at 1.75%. Rate statement was neutral with no sign of an imminent rate hike. They expect the trade weighted exchange rate to ease over the projection period. That means lower New Zealand dollar - or less need for hikes. On equities they say: "Equity markets have been strong, although volatility has increased recently."
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FED minutes caused Equities to drop and risk-off market move

The last 2 hours of trading in U.S. equities markets caused massive "RISK-OFF" moves as the FED minutes revealed that the FOMC could start unwinding its huge Balance Sheet sometime toward the end of the year......possibly selling both Treasuries and MBS (mortgage backed securities). This is the first time that reducing its balance sheet has been mentioned in its "minutes". Some FED officials also mentioned that equities are "QUITE HIGH". This is also highly unusual, as most FOMC members defer fr…
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TalsikGirl avatar

UPDATE:  Nikkei index now at 18,581 following the break of Tuesday's low of 18,701.....very bearish sign as equities markets are now in heavy "risk-averse" mode. I posted a Nikkei chart on Tuesday and commented that the index could really fall off a cliff if it dropped below January 24th closing price of 18,787. The key for JPY pairs will be USD/JPY support at 110.00-10 area. Should be a decent amount of SL orders just below that level. If USD/JPY accelerates on a break, then JPY pairs could really make big downward moves. Hang Seng  is down also along with other Asian markets.

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A pull back in a longer downtrend for JPN.IDX

The JPN.IDX is in a longer term down trend, that started in the first week of August 2015. However, the instrument caught a bid at it's 200 Weekly SMA. As well, smaller time frames suggest a bullish correction is already under way, which has potential to last throughout the Month of May.
- Jan Spike Low
16340 - Jan lowest Daily close & early Feb Daily spike highs
17290 - March Highs
17871 - Jan Highs
18260 - End of 2015 Daily close
The chart below is a monthly chart showing the leve…
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Jignesh avatar
Jignesh 5 May

Ahead of the start of May, we already saw the pull back in the bullish trend.  The BOJ, which had given a signal to the market that it would likely intervene in the markets, in a surprise move, did not do anything.  It acted as a catalyst for a sell off against the proposed bullish trend.  As we approach the bottom of the channel, we will be looking for a bounce over the next week, to hold the channel intact and affirm the bullish trend.

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US equities bounce back

US equities bounce back as Crude Oil get through 35$.
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Priceline On the Move

Hello Traders,
I was checking out some recent earning news and this chart jumped out at me. Looks like a nice inverted head and shoulders (bullish signal) has formed and new highs for is looking strong. Notice the 200 SMA is pushing up the price. The only concern comes at the psychological and resistance price area of 1300. The bulls seems to be testing the 1300 area, and if that is cleared I am looking for 1400 to as a target.
Happy Trading,
Jay Trader
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The Art of Technical Analysis and Charting

Hello Traders,
How many times have you heard this question. What is Technical Analysis? Well technical analysis is a method of evaluating securities by analyzing statistics generated by market activity, such as past prices and volume. Technical analysts do not attempt to measure a security's intrinsic value, but instead use charts and other tools to identify patterns that can suggest future activity. Ok what is this definition really saying? In plain English it is saying, the most important elem…
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Is It Summer Already?

Temperatures over here in Spain are slowly crawling higher and the locals are busy preparing for the annual onslaught of UV deprived Northern Europeans (and a few Americans as well). Down here at the lair air massive air conditioning units are running in overdrive as my charting/reasoning abilities degrade inversely with every degree Celsius higher on the scale. There has been very little activity here yesterday and the tape did its best to keep everyone bothering to pay attention bored to tears…
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Watch Your Six

It'll be a short week as many vacation deprived worker bees over in the U.S. are busy preparing for an extended 4th of July weekend. So expect low participation on the market front starting Wednesday and turning into a flatline on Thursday. Which unfortunately works against us this week as this is probably just the quiet before the storm. Since I was gone Friday I'll start this off with a wrap up of where we are followed by a few pointers on how to get positioned and of course some short term se…
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Time To Strike The Iron

We are at an important inflection point this morning and it's time to strike the iron as it's hot hot hot! I'm running a bit late today so I only have time to report on equities - but it's a very good one, so pay attention:
This is what's working in our favor right now - the GBP/JPY is still looking divergent or at least unsupportive. Could change quickly but there are no guarantees in the trading game. So let's look at the price action on the futures side:
This is a textbook RTV-S configuration…
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Don't Buy The Rumor - Sell The News

I'm sure you've heard by now- the U.S. economy is experiencing major shrinkage. The decline in Q1 real GDP was the largest since Q1 2009 (-5.4%) when the economy was in recession. According to Joseph A. LaVorgna at Deutsche Bank: 'when the economy shrinks as much as it did in Q1, the economy is either in recession or about to enter one.' Gold and bonds just popped and equities are still clinging to yesterday's lows.
This is now officially yesterday's news. So don't get caught up in all the excit…
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