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S&P500 - Bullish pennant

s&P500 poised for a continuation to the upside after last week's pullback. Dont' let the weekly doji fool you!
Min. upside 4820.
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
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Instrument: USA500.IDX
Cel: 2623,000
Prognoza: USA500.IDX/USD z 2017.10.31 na 2017.12.01 12:00 GMT
Cena aktualna:
2575,169 (2017.10.31 20:54 GMT)
Cena prognozowana:
2623,000 (2017.12.01 12:00 GMT)
Kontynuacja trendu wzrostowego [1D].
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
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USA500 - sytuacja aktualna

Stan na 2017.12.01 11:21 GMT

Cena startowa:
2575,169 (2017.10.31 20:54 GMT)
Cena prognozowana:
2623,000 (2017.12.01 12:00 GMT)
Cena aktualna:
2634,249 (2017.12.01 11:21 GMT)
Dystans do prognozowanej ceny:

Kurs pozostje w prognozowanym kanale wzrostowym. Odchylenie od prognozowanej ceny: +11,249 (<0,5%)

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Instrument: USA500.IDX
Cel: 1881,000
Prognoza: USA500.IDX/USD z 2015.09.30 na 2015.11.02 12:00 GMT
Cena aktualna:
1910,500 (2015.09.30 13:36 GMT)
Cena prognozowana:
1881,000 (2015.11.02) [-29,500]
Korekta w trendzie wzrostowym [1D].
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
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SPX: американские индексы снизились

Текущая динамика
Напряжение нарастает по мере приближения четверга, когда на заседании ФРС США будет приято решение по процентным ставкам. Если ранее экономисты оценивали вероятность повышения ставок в сентябре 50/50, то сейчас эта вероятность снижается. В понедельник фьючерсы на процентные ставки ФРС показали, что вероятность оценивается лишь в 23%.
Вчера на фоне возобновившихся продаж на фондовом рынке Китая, фондовые индексы США также упали и, вероятно, продолжат снижаться в американскую сесс…
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SPX: неопределенность на рынках усиливается

Текущая динамика
С открытия сегодняшней европейской сессии доллар США укрепляется, а фондовые рынки снижаются. Индекс S&P500 потерял почти 10 пунктов.
Неопределенность относительно сроков повышения процентных ставок в США и замедление экономического роста в Китае беспокоят инвесторов и оказывают давление на фондовые индексы. В то же время, усилия правительства Китая по стабилизации экономики явно недостаточны, и напряжение будет расти по мере приближения заседания ФРС 16-17 сентября.
При этом, д…
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US Markets

End of Day Update:
Stocks gave up early gains and finished near the lows of the day. The daily chart leads one to conclude this is weak, bearish price-action. But the intraday chart tells a different story. Most of the selling occurred in the first couple hours of the day after the market hit its head on 2,110 resistance. But, following the initial 11-point slide, we largely trade sideways for the remainder of the day and closed only one-point under the lows hit at 10:30am. The intraday chart co…
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End of Day Updates - S&P 500, US Market

Taking about the SPX ~~~
End of Day Updates
Stocks recovered from Friday’s selloff, reclaiming the psychologically important 50dma and 2,100 level. Volume was conspicuously absent, but by itself is not automatically a reason to doubt the rebound.
Last week we crumbled as plunging overseas markets spilled over to our shores. Todays low-volume recovery shows the remaining owners are not concerned and we bounced as a lack of selling constrained the available supply. No matter what people think the …
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
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Getting Paid On Thursday

Equities have dropped a little lower overnight and we're now testing the 100-hour SMA. If I wasn't long already in my ongoing campaign I would be here with a stop below ~1958. If supports fails then the next probable scenario is a visit of the lower 100-hour BB which coincides with NLSL at 1944.5.
Here's another view at the scenario on the hourly panel - the onus is now on the bulls to keep up the pace or we run the risk of a little correction.
Platinum was one of our short setups from last nig…
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Watch Your Six

It'll be a short week as many vacation deprived worker bees over in the U.S. are busy preparing for an extended 4th of July weekend. So expect low participation on the market front starting Wednesday and turning into a flatline on Thursday. Which unfortunately works against us this week as this is probably just the quiet before the storm. Since I was gone Friday I'll start this off with a wrap up of where we are followed by a few pointers on how to get positioned and of course some short term se…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
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Time To Strike The Iron

We are at an important inflection point this morning and it's time to strike the iron as it's hot hot hot! I'm running a bit late today so I only have time to report on equities - but it's a very good one, so pay attention:
This is what's working in our favor right now - the GBP/JPY is still looking divergent or at least unsupportive. Could change quickly but there are no guarantees in the trading game. So let's look at the price action on the futures side:
This is a textbook RTV-S configuration…
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